This Print2Pict extension creates QuickTimeΓäó movie files from the printed pages. Each page is saved as a frame. The number of frames per second (which may be fractional) and compression mode are set using the standard QuickTimeΓäó dialog.
To save only a selection of pages, uncheck the Delete movie file if printing is aborted box and check the preview box. Then for each selected page, press the Add to movie… button in the preview dialog.
To append to an existing movie select the movie by either: entering its name if the Save dialog and pressing Append when prompted to Cancel/Replace/Append; or by pressing the Append button in the Save dialog, this will present an Open dialog for selecting an existing file. When you append to a movie it must have the same page size as the document you are printing and consist of only one video track. Note: Movies created by appending new frames will usually be larger on disc compared to the same movie created in one operation.
This extension requires QuickTimeΓäó 1.5 or greater.
© 1992-3, Nigel Perry
Idea & icon animation from Print to PICS © B.Raoult 1992. Written in Think C, so portions maybe © Symantec.